What we are passionate about

The political participation of young people in the framework of youth dialogue takes into account the following principles:

Recognition and Respect

Young people are considered as responsible and autonomous actors and their words are considered.


Youth Dialogue is not an instrument for sharing political decision-making power, but a commitment to listen, to take into account comments and arguments and to integrate them into political reflection and decision-making processes.


Young people involved in the Youth Dialogue are informed of the follow-up to political decisions after the consultation.

What is the Youth Dialogue?

The EU Youth Dialogue is a flagship youth participation mechanism at EU level aiming to bring youth voice to the EU policy-making. Its main element is the dialogue between young people, youth organisations and policy and decision makers, as well as experts, researchers and other relevant civil society actors. It serves as a forum for continuous joint reflection and consultation on the priorities, implementation and follow-up of European cooperation in the field of youth.

It builds on the achievements of past dialogue processes (Structured Dialogue), with the aim of including more decision-makers and young people in the dialogue activities. Particular attention is given to the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in decision-making processes and in the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy.

Objectives of the EU Youth Dialogue

The specific objectives of the EU Youth Dialogue are to:
-encourage the participation of young people in democratic life in Europe.
-promote equal participation between young women and men.
-include diverse voices and to ensure openness to all young people to contribute to policy-shaping;
-bring about positive change in youth policy at local, regional, national and European level;
-strengthen young people’s’ citizenship competencies and sense of belonging to the society and the European Union.

How does the EU Youth Dialogue function and who are the actors?

At European level

Following the rotation system and the political cycle of the Trio Presidency, every 18 months a new cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue is organised at European level. According to the EU Youth Strategy, each cycle should preferably have one thematic priority per cycle that is closely linked to the priorities of the Strategy and the European Youth Goals where appropriate, building on the results of previous cycles.

At national level

National Working Groups (NWGs) are set up at national level to organise and coordinate the EU Youth Dialogue with young people. A NWG can bring together decision makers in the field of youth and other policy fields, representatives of youth civil society, experts and practitioners (youth workers, researchers, etc.). The Strategy states that a leading role in the NWG should be given to the National Youth Councils, like it’s the case for the CGJL – de Jugendrot in Luxembourg.

While the EU Youth Dialogue follows a common theme, the NWGs can add other topics of local or national relevance to the theme of dialogue proposed at European level, when running consultations and activities. They can make use of the suggested methodology, but also use other methods of working that are more suitable for their national context. NWGs ensure the learning dimension of the EU Youth Dialogue so that young people taking part in the consultations and activities are learning about participation, citizenship at EU and national level, following the objectives of the Strategy. NWGs follow-up on results (both the overall European results and the outcomes of their own activities on a local and national level) at local and national level as appropriate, ensuring their integration in youth policies, strategies, programmes and activities at local and national level.

How to participate

With a variety of activities, we want to organise the Youth Dialogue, together with you! May this be dialogue events, online surveys, workshops, focus groups,…

Take a look at our Events to take part in the dialogue!

Get in touch

We would love to hear from you!

+352 40 60 90 331


de Jugendrot/CGJL asbl

87, route de Thionville
L-2611 Luxembourg

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