“Mental Health and Well-being – Youth Goal #5”


Presseinformation / Info Presse

(FR) Cahier

„Les voix de la jeunesse“

(DE) Heft

„Die Stimmen der Jugend“

(DE) – Auswertung der Befragungen 2020 und 2021 – Ausführliche Version inkl. Details, Zahlen, Fragebögen usw.

(DE) Anhang Survey 2020

(DE) Anhang Survey 2021

(LU) – ANIJ – Rapport Emfro “Mental Gesondheet” 2021 #mindmymind

(LU) – ANIJ – YouTube-Video #mindmymind 2021

The Youth Goals are the outcome of the Dialogue with Youth.

They represent the views of young people from all over Europe.

Download the Youthgoals handout in your language

The Youth Goals have been translated into many different languages. You can find them here!

Cycle 2022-2023 “Engaging together for a sustainable and inclusive Europe”

EU Youth Conference France 2022

Click here to visit the conference website

(EN) Report EU Youth Conference France

EU Youth Conference Czech Republic 2022

Click here to visit the Czech presidency’s website

(EN) Report EU Youth Conference Czech Republic

Consultation Report – EU Youth Dialogue 2022

Check out what has been said by more than 22.000 young people across the EU!


(EN) Consultation Report (long version)

(EN) Consultation Summary

EU Youth Conference Sweden 2023 (March 20-22, 2023)

Click here to visit the Swedish presidency’s website

(EN) Implementation Report ahead of EU Youth Conference Sweden

(EN) Final Report – EU Youth Conference Sweden

More to come!

More to come!

Cycle 2019-2020 “Creating Opportunities for Youth”: Outcomes & findings


Check out what our Youth Delegates 2019-2020 have to say!


Outcomes Cycle 2019-2020


Graphics Summary – Consultation Cycle 2019-2020


Graphics Summary – Consultation Cycle 2019-2020


Graphics Summary – Consultation Cycle 2019-2020

Consultation Cycle 2019-2020 – Report

Additional findings Cycle 2019-2020 – Youth Goal #6

Council of the European Union – Conclusions Youth Goal #6

Logos and Visuals

…there’s more to come!


De Jugenddialog – Multi-Poster (LU)

De Jugenddialog – Multi-Poster (EN)

Jugenddialog – Logo

Jugenddialog – Logo (transparent background)

The Youth Goals

Get in touch

We would love to hear from you!

+352 40 60 90 331


de Jugendrot/CGJL asbl

87, route de Thionville
L-2611 Luxembourg

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